Monday 28 June 2010

Polyphemus Navigation

This is how I looked the morning after a 90-minute operation to restore the sight in my left eye. I had it under a local anaesthetic so I could walk away from it afterwards. Needless to say, lurking under that surgical tape is something that looks like a bad drug experience. The operation went well and I am feeling OK, if not a little shaken and very tired. My thanks to everyone who has sent me emails, txts and cards over the past few days: your good wishes for my recovery meant a lot to me and were very much appreciated. I am still not responding personally to any messages at the moment as I am trying to rest my eyes, but will be back in contact with you all very soon.


OutaSpaceMan said...

A ha Ken lad,

This is a sad indictment of what we can expect from the new regime's health policies.
Time was you'd have been given a racy pink plastic eye patch.

Get well soon.

O.S.M. B:52

Matthew Ingram said...

get well soon ken. matt ingram

Ken Hollings said...

My thanks to both of you for your kind wishes - they really are much appreciated. Things should be back to what passes for normal around here very soon.

Gair Dunlop said...

good luck and get well soon...

I don't think I could handle a local for eye business!

I'd like to invite you North early next year- seminar on entropic modern...

talk soon I hope, regards from gair

Ken Hollings said...

Hi Gair - wonderful to hear from you again - thanks for the good wishes - and thanks also for the kind invitation - I'd love to participate in any way you wish - email me with the details as and when. regards K+X