During my recent convalescence I received an invitation from Mark Fisher to join a small phantom cohort of contributors for a new blog he had just started. Found 0bjects describes itself as a ‘hauntological dumping ground’, but to me it already has the feel of a spectral car boot sale – in other words, it’s often the relationship between the objects that have been dumped together that is more interesting than the objects themselves. Jim Jupp’s post on The Nuclear Weapons Effect Computer and Mark’s own inaugural comments on an Owl Service set of dinner plates are both cases in point. Such items leave me wondering why we just don’t all move into the attic and let the ghosts take over the rest of the house. Oh, I see that they already have… Please feel free to join us any time you like – the view from up here is wonderful, especially after you clear away a little of the dust.
Pictured above: front cover for the Usbourne Guide to the Supernatural World, published in 1979 - the skull gets better the more time you spend looking at it
Pictured above: front cover for the Usbourne Guide to the Supernatural World, published in 1979 - the skull gets better the more time you spend looking at it
I want that book!
If you liked that, you're going to love a new feature I am planning to introduce to this blog in the autumn. 'Pulp Modernism' will feature mass market paperback covers as emblems the bad conscience that still haunts our libraries - from corner shop spin racks, jumble sales and thrift stores, these are things that helped make the pulp modernist imagination what it is: bold, contemptous and deviant. More soon... K+X
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